Belize Skort

My finished Itch to Stitch Belize skort in blue linen from Fabric a brac (Desiree was the seller) and pockets lined in cotton lawn.

I am so impressed I soldiered on and finally finished these!  If you haven't read my epic journey to this point (save yourself!), it involved one skort muslin  (4 sizes too large), one short muslin (2 sizes too large), one short muslin (sized correctly for me rather than from measurements but too large in the seat), and one finished shorts (hurray).

Of course, now that these are finished I'm not sure if they quite suit me.  I've worn them once - out for a walk up a hill side on a very hot sunny day - and they were comfortable but in my head, they're really suited as cycle wear and I haven't been doing a lot of that.  (except for renting an ebike with my brother over Christmas and going for a spin!)

In terms of the pattern.  The sizing really didn't work for me.  I followed the measurements of my waist first (4 sizes up) then my hips (2 sizes more than my final version) and almost lost the will to finish these.  Due to my flat seat, the actual pattern was far too baggy in the bum area.  Of course, I expected this as its pretty standard for my ready to wear trousers and just needed to make a flat seat adjustment - ha! I said just!  But I muddle through - see the epic short post for how I did the FSA.  

If the New Zealand summer hadn't been so hot, I would have abandoned all hope.  That said the drafting is lovely on these and I really like the mitred corners on the skirt front.  It also made me work at a pattern and I've definitely learnt a new technique (the FSA in case you missed it!).  In addition to doing the FSA on the shorts part, I did it on the skirt too - although much less of a need as the centre hangs down anyway.


I have a Cashmerette Springfield top in the same fabric as the pocket lining so it looks very deliberate!  (I have another springfield cut out and ready to be sewn up too).  Haha just noticed you can see LP's fingers in the picture above.  Prior to LP, I had to deal with cats getting in the shot but not its LP and the cats vying for the honour.

So would I make it again?  The skort, probably not unless I take up cycling again.  But the shorts will happen at some point.  I'm keen to make a sleep pair - and they'll have pockets too!


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