
My craft room was originally a dark terracotta brown and a deep almost blue navy.  I finally picked a colour for it and spent some of the time over my Christmas holidays painting merrily away.  It really was a pleasurable experience (except when we realised that the skirting boards weren't actually white and we had to redo those too as they had bits of the old colours liberally applied in places they shouldn't have!).

The colour of the room was something in between the photo above and the one below.  They really were quite strong colours. (And in case you noticed, yes I did write on the wall with my tester before we painted!)

I'm very much a process girl and I thought a photo of the room with my painters tape up and the undercoat would be vaguely interesting for people. Ok, fine, I can't lie.  I'm just too damn pleased with the whole process not to share it all - it is a web log after all :D

It was at this stage that I remembered my mother's sage advice about good paint and a good roller for the paint.  Possibly as a result of sore arms and not great coverage of paint.  Luckily I bought good paint for the proper coat and I nabbed out to the shops again to get a better roller.  Wow! What a difference it made.  They're definitely harder to wash out but the amount of effort saved more than made up for the extra water splashing at the end.

A picture of the debris.  BM was at work so I 'borrowed' his Tivoli radio and listened to Kiwi day time radio as I worked by myself on the second unscheduled day when I painted the skirting white.

And the final colour - Dulux Wadestown - I love it!  Its as close as I could get to some yarn (yes, that is strange) without making up a custom colour.  I'm sitting in my room on this Saturday night listening to Odessa, after watching Project Runway and enjoying updating my blog while staring every few minutes at the colour on my walls.  I've been fantasising about this moment for years. The thought of being able to decorate my own room and especially doing it myself made me a bit teary eyed during the process and I really love the results (yes, I know I've said that before and yes, I know this post is more wordy than my usual ones - but stick with me, this is important to me!).  I still have to replace the curtains and as we are currently getting quotes for wall paper hanging in the living room I don't think that will happen for a while - especially as I fancy making the curtains myself. In the meantime, I can spend as much time as I like thinking about what type of curtains to get.  I think I would prefer blinds in here but I'm not willing to make major changes as we're likely to move in a few years time and I don't want to make too many changes that just suit my taste.  I've also moved all my stuff back in and am slowly, slowly organising the space.  Right better get back to some sewing...


  1. Good work, you've been busy and thats such a nice bright cheerful colour, its unusual too :)

    All things nice...

  2. Your some kid the room looks really lovely I love the colour
    xxx m

  3. I am so pleased you finally have your own room to paint. It looks beautiful. Love Ailís x


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