Wellington - Art Deco

I'm just about off to bed - its a long weekend here and unfortunately for me I have to do a bit of work over it.  But it will be more than made up for by the joint pleasures of viewing a house for sale (we're not fully decided if we want to buy yet - but it has to be good to get an idea of the market) and high tea at Martha's Pantry (yum!).

I had planned on posting about my crochet blanket - which is finally finished!!!  But it rained a LOT today and I couldn't get a proper bright photograph to show.  This is especially important as I plan on printing some of them out to send to my grandmother who was very helpful with colour choices when I was back in Ireland.

So rather than leave this an image free post - here's a view I have on my walk to the train station every day - gotta love art deco.


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