
Showing posts from August, 2012

dog days

Just a quick dog days card make. This is my first post on my iPad and so far so good but I think that a keyboard may well be a future purchase. 

griddle stitching

I've been experimenting with a few new stitches from this wonderful book .  This wash cloth (cotton) was the griddle stitch - I don't think I quite mastered it on all the repetitions but its for home use and I managed to use up some leftovers so it can't be bad!   I also bought a ball of bamboo just to add some colour to the next one I make.  

blinged up mid winter Christmas

Remember these ?  Well I finished them up with some extra bling for a mid winter Christmas event last week. Unfortunately these are the best photos I have as it was insanely last minute crafting due to a cold for most of the week.  So a few hours of bling sticking and I had my finished ornaments to gift as a mid winter kiwi Christmas special.  

my creative space

This is what my desk looked like this morning after a last minute crafting session for a mid-winter Christmas celebration last night. :)  I promise it hasn't been styled - It honestly looked like this (of course, I'm not showing the rest of the room!)

Cushions galore

I've had to wait a while to post these as they were winging their way back to Ireland for a birthday present.  I made four cushions (yes, there is five photos but I'm very excited about my zip work!) from ikea fabric and posted these to the Emerald Isle.  I love how the red cushion with the buttons turned out. Yes, my friends, that is indeed an invisble zip - without, I might add modestly, an invisble zipper foot!  Woohoo for youtube videos.  This is the second red cushion - just plain red and square. The other cushions were a mix of cream, beige and navy and I really love the patterns.  I used an invisible zip and a regular zip.  The invisible zip ain't so invisible unfortunately (my first try and before the googling, youtube victory above). Was very tempted to keep these (and as I've had this fabric for a year and a half, it was almost at home!).  But my better nature played a huge part - that and a need to think of another present if I held on to these

card crafting frenzy

Or rather, finishing up supplies from my overflow box.  I've been a bit crazy busy of late and the only crafting I really have time to do is quick card making.  So I've been using up supplies from my over flow box - essentially a box of bits too small to put back in the proper storage (don't I sound very organised - hah!). My craft room is a bit of a tip at the moment, lots of work books and papers lying around and housey stuff that needs new homes and then all my current craft projects.  My desk currently houses my computer, my camera, a lamp, 5 books, a prize I won from a wonderful blog (of which I need to take a photo and then post about it!), bills, yarn, 7 nearly finished bags, scissors, used stamps (for a long term project) and a box of cards - and that's only this desk (I have two!). The random nature of the stuff in the overflow box should explain the heavy presence of Christmas cards - I'll be sorted when I have to send these in November.  One of the

Fireside crochet

We recently got our chimeny swept - and could have fires for the first time since we moved into the house!  Hurray!  The weather took a turn for the worse over the last month, so fireside crochet has been a big hit - for the four legged residents of the house too.  Ryu is fascinated with my yarn.  p.s. the fire got blasing later but I forgot to photograph it