Or rather, finishing up supplies from my overflow box. I've been a bit crazy busy of late and the only crafting I really have time to do is quick card making. So I've been using up supplies from my over flow box - essentially a box of bits too small to put back in the proper storage (don't I sound very organised - hah!). My craft room is a bit of a tip at the moment, lots of work books and papers lying around and housey stuff that needs new homes and then all my current craft projects. My desk currently houses my computer, my camera, a lamp, 5 books, a prize I won from a wonderful blog (of which I need to take a photo and then post about it!), bills, yarn, 7 nearly finished bags, scissors, used stamps (for a long term project) and a box of cards - and that's only this desk (I have two!). The random nature of the stuff in the overflow box should explain the heavy presence of Christmas cards - I'll be sorted when I have to send these in November. One of the