Harping on about Harpers

Wendy (of Sew Biased) made a StyleArc Harper Jacket and I loved it.  It helped that I bought the same fabric at some point and couldn't think what to do with it!

So I made the exact same jacket!  Lacking imagination, me?  Sorry Wendy!

So comfy!

I really like how the jacket closes.  

There's a button hole on both sides.

I managed to find a covered button that's really close in colour to the jacket.

The whole thing was a quick make and the fabric didn't need to be hemmed.  Nicely work appropriate and also so comfy.  I didn't really follow the instructions as its fairly straight forward.

I also made a second version very quickly with some wool fabric I felted by mistake.  I didn't quite have enough so I used a fabric-a-brac fabric (from desiree) for the back of the jacket.  Not much more to add about it!


  1. Very nice! I hadn't seen your purple one. I just made another one in raspberry, and am thinking a third lightweight one in merino :-)


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