What to call a post about a cat basket?

While I really enjoy sewing, and I like being able to document my makes on my blog - I generally think my posts are probably among the most boring I read.  So here's my outing speech.  I'm going to be boring :)  Though if you're reading this, you probably already figured that out!

A relatively quick but very useful make.  Our two cats had two mangy cat baskets that they adored.  But they were gross.  So I bought a ferplast basket and have made a few cushion inners and removable covers.  This is a much less gross option and I can even swap them over and wash ones now. Hurray!  If you're worried about the cats sleeping on the button - its normally underneath the cushion and a few push tests with my hands were unable to feel it.  Our cats don't seem to mind the princess and the pea option and have settled in on this regardless.

The fabric is leftovers from my foot stool.


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