Elementary my dear Watson

Ok, fine. I'm sure that title has been done to death since the Papercut Watson was released, but come on - its a caped jacket and all kinds of awesome.

I wouldn't have had the nerve to make it without Sandra of Flossie FT having let me try on her's!  This adopting people's sewing creations as a means of deciding what to make is becoming a habit.  Its so lovely to be able to try on the finished product to figure about sizing and fit.

I started making the jacket on the Fabric Hoarders Winter Retreat.  It was so wonderful to be surrounded by talented ladies when embarking on a new (and slightly terrifying) project.  

On the advice of the lovely fabric hoarders, I waited and interfaced the check fabric.  It did mean some hairy moments with a lot of fabric to manipulate at times!

This jacket is the make I'm most proud of since I started sewing.  I really love it.  The only downside is there isn't pockets.  I'm really not sure why they didn't include them in the pattern.  

I love the capelet and am so pleased to have found a use I love for the fabric.

Lined with lining from the closing down Starfish sale (a Wellington designer and clothing shop).  

I didn't quite manage to do the whole thing myself as I wimped out on the buttonholes and brought them to Euro mode tailors to insert them for me.

They definitely did a nicer job than I could have (my automatic buttonholer doesn't allow for such a large button and I just couldn't bring myself to freehand it).

I'm rather pleased with the pattern matching :)

And the jacket looks just like it should!


  1. I love your Watson! It looks amazing and you did great job with plaid matching!

  2. This is absolutely fantastic! Looks great.


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