October's F-A-B

Another year and another fabric a brac (well at least last year's one in October).  

Massive selection of beautiful fabric again and lovely buttons too - I managed to restrain myself on the button front.

I helped out in the kitchen again - a lovely bunch of peeps and a fun way to not buy fabric ;)

I even managed to bake this time and transported these on the handle bars of my bike to Newtown.  Definitely feeling like super woman after that adventure.  I convinced a friend to bring the cake carrier to our next meet up so I didn't have to repeat the experience.

So what did I buy???

Blue linen from Desiree.  A light silky stripped fabric also via Desiree.  And three other pieces.  I have plans for the next two as the front and back of a top.  And the grey was a bit of an impulse buy.  Ah, who am I kidding, they all were...


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