Super shorts

I'm on a rather giddy high.  I finished a pair of City Gym Shorts - a free online pattern by Purl Bee (available here:

I've been in need of a pair of running shorts and given my large fabric stash and the lack of nice shorts in the shops that fit my almost complete lack of bottom, I really wanted to make my own.

Though I'm not sure the fabric placement was my best choice - but it was meant to be a semi-wearable muslin.

These are really fun and definitely a wearable muslin.  I'm already looking forward to getting out on the road with them this week.  If you know me, you'll realise this is particularly impressive (I run but am having a hard time enjoying like I did the first time I started to run more frequently).  I intend these shorts to go over my running tights (far too figure hugging for me to be comfortable in public!).

I graded the pattern after making up the  44-46 inch pattern and chopping down the waist significantly but keeping the hip.  I've also played with the back rise a bit too.

I think my unreserved appreciation for these shorts (which may wear off when I actually have to wear them for running rather than prancing around my sewing table) stems from the fact that they a. fit easily over my running tights, b. were a free pattern, c. made up completely from stash (hello fabric a brac!) and d. (probably most importantly) I got to use my new bias binding foot.

I really need to write an ode to that sewing foot.  Oh my!  Such a star.  It needs its own case, I'm not sure I should be sullying it by placing this magnificent beast in with the rest of my phebian sewing supplies!

Bias binding was a breeze once Í'd figured out what I was at.  (yes, that does mean the first attempt needed to be unpicked - but so worth the learning curve). I can't wait to try it on other projects.

Things to remember for next time.
1. I will need to grade the waist band - I just blagged it this time.
2. I might need to play around with the size of the legs and the front rise.  This should be clear after I've worn this pair for a few times.

So after using it for a few runs in colder weather (yes, I really am that far behind in my blogging), the fabric started to fray around the bias binding :(

Bugger.  I'm not sure if the pattern just doesn't fit and I'm over pulling on the seams or if there is something else at play.  Definitely plan on making this up again (in a less obvious fabric!).

Fabric: Fabric a brac - skirt in same fabric also here and a cat basket cushion (coming soon) too!
Notions: elastic and bias binding from stash.


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