Lavendar Bath Salts

These fragrant creations were from a mum and bub group I went to while on maternity leave (if I'm honest, it wasn't the most rewarding of spaces!) but these were a winner.  Surprizingly the molud we used were cleaned laundry powder scoops - gave a nice shape.

The receipe is:

Fizzy Bath Bombs

Materials needed: 
 2 (30 g) Tablespoons Cornflour 
 2 (30 g) Tablespoons Critic 
or Tartaric acid
 ½ Cup (60 g) Baking Soda*
 3 (45 ml) Tablespoons (approx) Oil
 Essential Oil for scent 
 Food Colouring (optional)
 Sieve & Bowl for mixing
 Moulds (Optional)

Sieve cornflour, critic acid and baking powder into bowl. In a small bowl combine the essential oil with plain oil, with a few drops of food colouring.
Add the oil mixture to the first bowl and mix ingredients together with your fingers until it turns into a crumbly mixture. Shape and leave to dry.

From the Space facebook group:


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