Capely Capers

This was one of my absolutely favourite makes of 2017.  I finished it just before the New Year and love, love, love it.  Just need to make a dress to go underneath!

Its the second time I've made it up and I've definitely improved my sewing since!  First cape here.  My first make was a little becky home ecky. I had sized up the pattern and it didn't feel right so donated my original and remade it eventually.  So, so glad I did as this is a firm wardrobe adore.

Fabric: Lining from either a swap or fabric a brac, Cord from stash (Spotties I think originally but its been in my stash quite a while - I think I might have been trying to relive my 1990s cord glory days and then realised I'm a while (or forever) away from sewing some cord trousers for myself.
Findings: Closure and iron on embroidery from Made Marion in Wellington - thank you to the lovely Wendy of Sew Biased who helped me choose.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is such a great free pattern, I recognised it immediately. You're version is so glamorous.


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