High Tea and Flowers

As you can probably gather, I don't like posting photographs of people on my blog - but I really do use it to store all the wonderful memories made with those people.  One of the things I really wanted to do when my parents came to visit was to introduce them to my friends and vice versa.  I know its a lot easier talking to someone when they can picture the places and people you talk about.  So I organised a high tea at Martha's Pantry for my parents and my friend, S.  They gave us the cutest Christmas pudding chocolates.

S gave me a vibrant bouquet of flowers and I moved them around the house for ages afterwards as some of the flowers wilted.  Such a wonderful surprize :)

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  1. I'm the same never post photographs of people. I rarely take photographs of people either for that matter. Sounds like a nice evening with afternoon tea. Oh I spot Hydrangeas too- my favourite flowers. Glad you all had a nice time

    All things nice...


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