Cut outs, fishes and butterflies

Eeek!  This house buying/selling business is a bit more stressful that I'd like!
There's a lot of coordination of reports for the new house and then interviewing and deciding on realtors for the 'old' house is headache causing.  We've almost gone unconditional on the new house - just need to sort out two more bits and meet with the mortgage peeps.  But so far it looks like everything is working out on that end.

Unfortunately that's leaving a whole new headache to sell BM's current house on this end.  But we're a lot happier with where we are now than where we were a few days ago. So fingers crossed for my new blue house! 

Some cards below (from ages and ages ago) - I had some fun doing a bit of paper cutting after being inspired by different artists online.  Even though the fish turned out ok, my attempt is laughable in comparison!

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  1. Pretty cards - and the bird cut out works well. It's not an easy thing to do! Good luck with your blue house - sounds exciting! Hope all goes well with the negotiations. Helen x

  2. Hi from Annestown
    love the new cards and the photos of parents house amazing that we know it so well but photos great idea! and I'm delighted to hear about the house onwards and upwards towards an 'Teach Gorm'


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