Pioneer Town, Joshua Tree Park and Palm Springs

I was lucky enough to get out of LA on this trip.  I went out into the desert and visited pioneertown.

Such a completely different environment to both NZ and Ireland.

Pioneer town was created as a film set but was kept running as a tourist destination.

The post office is the most photographed post office in the US - much cuteness.

I also managed to make it to the Joshua Tree National Park.  Amazing location.

The Joshua Trees were so strange and it seems that I was lucky enough to be there when some of trees and other plants were flowering.

You can also see the San Andrea's Fault from the park.  The haze is a combination of smog and heat!

I stayed with a colleague who's cat has some interesting drinking habits.

I also went on an interesting side trip to Palm Springs.  It really doesn't fit with the rest of the surrounding landscape - far too green.  But I loved the MidCentury Modern style.

There was a tonne of antique shops - some with great finds and others far too creepy...

I also went up in the cable car to the top of the local Mountain.  Wellington's cable car wins on cuteness but this one covered some serious ground.
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