Belated birthday presents

Despite the wrapping - this was a birthday present.  (yes, I do feel the need to justify why I opened it!)  One of my friends gave me the most lovely set of pressies (and far too generous too - she reads the blog :)

Felt creations that I fondled fondly in a craft shop near her home. I'd say I'd fondled most of these and then reluctantly put them back when I realised my recent crafty spends.  So this was a particularly pleasant delight when I opened the parcel.

Really looking forward to getting started on these - but I've promised myself that I have to finish another project first - didn't stop me taking them out and giving it a very close inspection!

And finally two critters of the butterfly persuasion.  I'm doubly blessed to have such a good friend from home in New Zealand and one who 'gets' crafty stuff too!

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  1. Happy 'belated' birthday to you!... What lovely gifts to receive. Isn't it lovely that friends know you so well and remember the 'little' things? :)

    Hope you had a good Christmas and best wishes for the new year!

    Louise xx


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