My craft room was originally a dark terracotta brown and a deep almost blue navy. I finally picked a colour for it and spent some of the time over my Christmas holidays painting merrily away. It really was a pleasurable experience (except when we realised that the skirting boards weren't actually white and we had to redo those too as they had bits of the old colours liberally applied in places they shouldn't have!). The colour of the room was something in between the photo above and the one below. They really were quite strong colours. (And in case you noticed, yes I did write on the wall with my tester before we painted!) I'm very much a process girl and I thought a photo of the room with my painters tape up and the undercoat would be vaguely interesting for people. Ok, fine, I can't lie. I'm just too damn pleased with the whole process not to share it all - it is a web log after all :D It was at this stage that I remembered my mother's sage ad...
Lovely view...