bagging up

 I've been finishing up projects as much as I can this year.  And I've finally cut into and started to use up the screen printed fabric I made at a screen printing class a few years ago.  I've made a rather large number of lined tote bags and even padded the nice wide (and rather comfy) handles.

In a few places, I've embroided and beaded and in others appliqued a few designs from elsewhere on the fabric to give a better, more even overall feel.

I love, love, love the ship one - it reads, I have an existential map, it has you are here written all over it.  Though I didn't bother lining this one as I knew I was keeping it!
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  1. Nice collection of bags there. Like the lovely linings that you have given them. Happy shopping.

  2. Thanks so much! :) and for dropping by... I've just visited your blog and was delighted.


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