Butchers boy


I can't recall where this vintage pattern came from - but I've vague recollections of my mother giving it to me.  As that's standard Irish font in the bottom left corner, its a pretty good guess, I reckon.  

The kit contained the pre-cut pattern pieces (and a slightly mouldy smell!).
it even came with binding and elastic.


The finished items!  The apron is very light and probably could have benefitted from lining. But as I sewed it up in a sewing group I didn't have any to hand.  One of my house guests saw it when I came home - so its already got a good home to go to!

Why yes, that is a headband!  Its hilarious - very dinner lady.

Stunning, don't ya think?

Another project out - Its been very satisfying this year getting all the projects finished.  I also sewed up the cross stitch Christmas stocking but there's still a bit of work left to finish it and then find a name to cross stitch on the top.


  1. Fabulous eh?
    Those were the days, high fashion and scrubbing!!
    Love Helen xx

  2. Yes you did get it from your Mama! It was bought for a class of Primary School children more than 25 years ago!! That one must have been left over. Looks great.


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