Sheep and Alpacas

I've been busily working my way through my stashes this year so far (and so far so good!).  I've managed to keep to a system of two out and one in so that I can make my way through my unfinished projects.  This was a 'new' project but uses up my alpaca cotton yarn from stash (well, just a tensy purchase of another ball to add to my existing two in stash!).

It follows the same shell type pattern most of my scarves do and is made from Rowan alpaca cotton in shade 00400.  The yarn is lovely to work with and is perfect for airport projects.  I use a bamboo hook just in case - although in New Zealand this probably isn't needed!  I had a bit of a scare with the hook at one point though as I thought it had fallen down a crack in someone's deck - eeek!  Thankfully BM spotted it and retreived it for me - I would have been devastated as I have no idea the size of the hook as its not printed on it.  I use it for most crochet projects and really need to figure out what size it is by testing it against my metal hooks.

As part of my two out and one in, I also finally finished my sheep cross stitch.  Man, those stitches are small...
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  1. Your shell scarf is GORGeous!!... It looks so soft and delicate and such a pretty colour too. Well done :-)
    Loving the sheep cross stitch too, that must have taken an aaage to stich! Very cute.

    Louise xx
    PS- thank you for the birthday wishes!!


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