Cups and saucers for my office (for visitors what drop by on occasion - I have a kitchen near my office but it never seems to have enough cups when I have a meeting so I've remedied the situation). I also bought this cute pelican, with the intention of spray painting him but I don't know if I can bring myself to do it! I've been thinking a lot recently about the things I buy. I was watching an old Dr Who episode and a remark the Doctor made to Donna in one of the scenes really hit home. They were freeing the Ood and Donna said something about not supporting slavery and how people must have known, and the Dr replied something about who makes your clothes. I really love clothes and enjoy having nice things like many people, but for the first time in my life I really have the money to be able to make sensible decisions about who gets my money. Unfortunately consciences are mostly only for those with the money to exercise the...