second hand books

We recently had a clear out of our book collection.  We've been looking at houses for the last few months (but have stopped until next year) and in the interests of moving less stuff, we went through our books.  I love reading but there's only so many of those books that I know I'll reread in the future (Jane Austen and the No. 1 ladies' detective agency being high on the reread list).

Anyways, I got this book (and a Nigel Slater cookery book as well as some store credit) for our selection.  I haven't had time to make any of the designs yet.  However, I'm currently crocheting a cushion cover so this may come in very handy for ideas on how to finish it.


  1. Ah, I love books! Every now and again I have to have a clear out but it's so difficult. Whenever I buy a book my husband says 'another book, just what we need!' Craft books are my favourite I think.
    I like your cards - especially the horse one.


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