Crochet Beret

This is the project that wasn't.  I used a tutorial from crochet me but things didn't go well.  I mastered the puff stitch and started with some acrylic yarn to get the hang of it.  This is the first non-scarf/blanket crochet project I tried to finish.  I made up the patter first off with the right sided hook but my tension is a lot tighter than the pattern dictates.  I also managed to misinterpret the instructions and put the next row of stitches into the wrong hole the first (second and third) times I tried.  

Attempt one failing - far too small - suggested fix - larger hook.
Attempt two failing - increased the pattern too much - the hat was far too floppy.
Attempt three failing - reduced the number of stitches in the middle (from 8 to 6) and tried extra increased rows before turning it.  
Attempt four - realised I was putting the stitch into the wrong hole on the previous row.  Frogged it again and started over following the pattern again.  
Attempt five - this wasn't working out - it was far too floppy and frogged the whole thing again when it was 3/4 finished.  At this stage the ball of wool broke twice so I called it a day.  

Review of pattern - this is a great stitch and if I can manage to make one up like on the pattern I will be a very happy bunny - however, the pattern doesn't give a size for the first three rows so I've no idea if I'm sizing it correctly with new hook or not - so I've just given up for now and concentrated on finishing off as many other WIPs lying around the house as possible.

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  1. this is the type of hat i want to make but i cant find a pattern can you help please?

    1. I used the tutorial on


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