How's your plumbing?

Here's the real reason I didn't get my Christmas stockings finished!  We had the whole house replumbed in the week before the rest of my family descended for Christmas. This is the ensuite bathroom in the master bedroom.

Then the beautiful and thankfully short lived 'fix' for our new shower mixer in the main bathroom.

The wonderful wall in my craft room/study.

Here's the laundry.

And again with new plasterboard.  Although I quite liked the pleasant surprize of finding the kitchen extension being insulated :)  Most of the surprizes so far have been of the unpleasant and expensive variety (like having to completely replace the plumbing!).  We had a builders report before we bought the house and unfortunately they missed this *little* problem (and a few others, like the floorboards, etc. etc.).

And an almost repaired wall in the craft room/study/second guest bedroom.  That room is doing a 'lot' of double duties over the holidays.  So happy to have the house almost back together again.  We've had metal plates, rather than plastic bags put behind the shower mixers but I don't have photos of them yet.  I think we'll end up leaving the bare plaster board up for a while until I have the mental space (and cash) to think about colours and more fun parts of the house redecoration (I'm not willing to admit its a renovation, just yet).

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