Things I'm working on

Actually the list is longer than this but I got bored taking the photographs!

I have a relatively short attention span and some crafts are more portable than others so I change what I'm working on a fair bit!

I'm working at home today so I should get a few short crafty projects finished. You know the ones, the ones you can take up and put back down again after your self imposed five minute break. If I do anything bigger, I run the risk of not stopping!

So first on the agenda is a wrist pin cushion from the craftybits blog. I have the twill tape and the velcro but both are in black so I'm not really sure where it is going!

The material is an old sheet from a second hand shop - washed twice at a high temperature. Not too sure how I feel about that but the pattern was just too cute to pass up.

I'm a big fan of cutting things out in brown paper first - especially when I don't have pins to hand!

The second project of the day is inspired by Maize's Diary's Frayed Flower tutorial. I don't want to use material that frays as its all about getting use from my old sheet! So I'm making one in the sheet material! I not sure which bead I'll use at the center of the flower - so these are my top three until its finished. Think I might like to put it on a bag when its done.

So that's what I want to get started today. Here's some of the stuff I'm also working on at the moment. I actually started the crochet rather than finishing a scarf I was knitting (the blue and green one below) because I wasn't able to take my knitting needles on a plane :(. It seems crochet is ok but at least I won't lose everything if they confiscate the hook!

Its going to be a fingerless mitten when I'm finished. The wool is wine with some flecks of light pink and its 95% wool and 5% silk (I suppose that's the flecks!). I didn't make it from a pattern. I measured the width of my wrist and started crocheting. When I got to the bend of my wrist I went out one stitch on either side of the line. When I got to the top of my thumb, I finished that off and moved in a few stitches and started crocheting in a loop.

Here's the other glove which will probably have it make more sense! I'm about half way to finishing the thumb section and then I'll start self looping the crochet. In the end I'll sew up the side like the other glove.

And here's what its like on!

A green scarf for my Aunt for Christmas...
Its the same type of wool as the last but in a different colour (obviously!). I'm knitting about twenty rows in plain and then wrapping the wool around the needle twice and only knitting through the main loop to get the longer stitch effect (which I'm sure you all know but just in case...).

And finally a word of advice needed. I got some very cheap yarn and only bought three balls. Its chenille in blue and green, in case you can't see it from the photograph. Unfortunately its not long enough so I'm not really sure what to do to make it longer. I'm contemplating crocheting black wool on the ends or else using fleece material to give the whole thing a backing and just come down further at the ends and double back. What do you think?

And that's it for today's post!


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