Paper Hearts and thinking about houses

Wow! We put an offer in on a house yesterday and the agent will approach the seller today with the offer.  Suposedly they let the seller know at lunch time today.  I'm feeling pretty chilled about the whole thing - possibly because once they say yes (that's positive thinking, people!), we have to ready our current house for sale.  We've been crossing off a lot of jobs but will still need to put the cats in the cattery, organise storage for our surplus stuff, etc. etc.  We have a lot of furniture in the house and as we're moving to a larger house, it doesn't make sense to get rid of it - but it makes a LOT of sense to store it somewhere else while potential buyers see the place. 

Its a nice house so hopefully we won't have trouble selling it - though the market in New Zealand is fairly sluggish at the moment.  We planted some more lavendar over the weekend and tidied up most of the garden as well as finally getting curtains for my craft room.  I was going to make them but if our offer gets accepted we'll have to move quicker than my snail's pace of curtain making; especially as I had planned to take apart the original curtains to reuse the lining and tape across the top.  So fingers crossed on the offer and we'll take each step as it comes!

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